package org.ibex.classgen; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Hashtable; public abstract class Type implements CGConst { private static Hashtable instances = new Hashtable(); // this has to appear at the top of the file // Public API ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final Type VOID = new Primitive("V", "void"); public static final Type INT = new Primitive("I", "int", 10); public static final Type LONG = new Primitive("J", "long", 11); public static final Type BOOLEAN = new Primitive("Z", "boolean", 4); public static final Type DOUBLE = new Primitive("D", "double", 7); public static final Type FLOAT = new Primitive("F", "float", 6); public static final Type BYTE = new Primitive("B", "byte", 8); public static final Type CHAR = new Primitive("C", "char", 5); public static final Type SHORT = new Primitive("S", "short", 9); public static final Type NULL = new Null(); public static final Type.Class OBJECT = Type.Class.instance("java.lang.Object"); public static final Type.Class STRING = Type.Class.instance("java.lang.String"); public static final Type.Class STRINGBUFFER = Type.Class.instance("java.lang.StringBuffer"); public static final Type.Class INTEGER_OBJECT = Type.Class.instance("java.lang.Integer"); public static final Type.Class DOUBLE_OBJECT = Type.Class.instance("java.lang.Double"); public static final Type.Class FLOAT_OBJECT = Type.Class.instance("java.lang.Float"); /** A zero element Type[] array (can be passed as the "args" param when a method takes no arguments */ public static final Type[] NO_ARGS = new Type[0]; /** * A "descriptor" is the classfile-mangled text representation of a type (see JLS section 4.3) * guarantee: there will only be one instance of Type for a given descriptor ==> equals() and == are interchangeable */ public static Type fromDescriptor(String d) { Type ret = (Type)instances.get(d); if (ret != null) return ret; if (d.startsWith("[")) return new Type.Array(Type.fromDescriptor(d.substring(1))); return new Type.Class(d); } public final String getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } public Type.Array makeArray() { return (Type.Array)Type.fromDescriptor("["+descriptor); } public Type.Array makeArray(int i) { return i==0 ? (Type.Array)this : makeArray().makeArray(i-1); } public Type.Ref asRef() { throw new RuntimeException("attempted to use "+this+" as a Type.Ref, which it is not"); } public Type.Class asClass() { throw new RuntimeException("attempted to use "+this+" as a Type.Class, which it is not"); } public Type.Array asArray() { throw new RuntimeException("attempted to use "+this+" as a Type.Array, which it is not"); } public boolean isPrimitive() { return false; } public boolean isRef() { return false; } public boolean isClass() { return false; } public boolean isArray() { return false; } public static Type unify(Type t1, Type t2) { if(t1 == Type.NULL) return t2; if(t2 == Type.NULL) return t1; if((t1 == Type.INT && t2 == Type.BOOLEAN) || (t2 == Type.INT & t1 == Type.BOOLEAN)) return Type.BOOLEAN; if(t1 == t2) return t1; // FIXME: This needs to do a lot more (subclasses, etc) // it probably should be in return null; } public static Type fromArraySpec(int i) { switch(i) { case 4: return Type.BOOLEAN; case 5: return Type.CHAR; case 6: return Type.FLOAT; case 7: return Type.DOUBLE; case 8: return Type.BYTE; case 9: return Type.SHORT; case 10: return Type.INT; case 11: return Type.LONG; default: throw new IllegalStateException("invalid array type"); } } // Protected/Private ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected final String descriptor; protected Type(String descriptor) { this.descriptor = descriptor; instances.put(descriptor, this); } public static class Null extends Type { protected Null() { super(""); } // not really correct.... } public static class Primitive extends Type { private String humanReadable; private int arraySpec; Primitive(String descriptor, String humanReadable) { this(descriptor, humanReadable, -1); } Primitive(String descriptor, String humanReadable, int arraySpec) { super(descriptor); this.humanReadable = humanReadable; this.arraySpec = arraySpec; } public String toString() { return humanReadable; } public boolean isPrimitive() { return true; } public int toArraySpec() { if (arraySpec < 0) throw new Error("you can't make arrays of " + this); return arraySpec; } } public abstract static class Ref extends Type { protected Ref(String descriptor) { super(descriptor); } public abstract String toString(); public Type.Ref asRef() { return this; } public boolean isRef() { return true; } abstract String internalForm(); } public static class Array extends Type.Ref { public final Type base; protected Array(Type t) { super("[" + t.getDescriptor()); base = t; } public Type.Array asArray() { return this; } public boolean isArray() { return true; } public String toString() { return base.toString() + "[]"; } public Type getElementType() { return base; } String internalForm() { return getDescriptor(); } } public static class Class extends Type.Ref { protected Class(String s) { super(_initHelper(s)); } public Type.Class asClass() { return this; } public boolean isClass() { return true; } public static Type.Class instance(String className) { return (Type.Class)Type.fromDescriptor("L"+className.replace('.', '/')+";"); } public boolean extendsOrImplements(Type.Class c, Context cx) { if (this==c) return true; if (this==OBJECT) return false; ClassFile cf = cx.resolve(getName()); if (cf==null) { System.err.println("warning: could not resolve class " + getName()); return false; } if (cf.superType == c) return true; for(int i=0; i 0;i++,p=0) { while(p < argsDesc.length() && argsDesc.charAt(p) == '[') p++; if(p == argsDesc.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid method type descriptor"); if(argsDesc.charAt(p) == 'L') { p = argsDesc.indexOf(';'); if(p == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid method type descriptor"); } argsBuf[i] = Type.fromDescriptor(argsDesc.substring(0,p+1)); argsDesc = argsDesc.substring(p+1); } Type args[] = new Type[i]; System.arraycopy(argsBuf,0,args,0,i); return method(name, Type.fromDescriptor(retDesc), args); } public abstract class Member { public final String name; private Member(String name) { = name; } public Type.Class getDeclaringClass() { return Type.Class.this; } public String getName() { return name; } public abstract String getTypeDescriptor(); public abstract String toString(); public abstract int hashCode(); public abstract boolean equals(Object o); } public class Field extends Member { public final Type type; private Field(String name, Type t) { super(name); this.type = t; } public String getTypeDescriptor() { return type.getDescriptor(); } public Type getType() { return type; } public String toString() { return getDeclaringClass().toString()+"."+name+"["+type.toString()+"]"; } public class Body extends HasAttributes { public Field getField() { return Field.this; } public Body(int flags, ClassFile.AttrGen attrs) { super(flags, attrs); if ((flags & ~VALID_FIELD_FLAGS) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid flags"); } } public int hashCode() { return type.hashCode() ^ name.hashCode() ^ getDeclaringClass().hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object o_) { if(o_ == this) return true; if(!(o_ instanceof Field)) return false; Field o = (Field) o_; return o.getDeclaringClass() == getDeclaringClass() && o.type == type &&; } } public class Method extends Member { final Type[] argTypes; public final Type returnType; public Type getReturnType() { return returnType; } public int getNumArgs() { return argTypes.length; } public Type getArgType(int i) { return argTypes[i]; } public Type[] getArgTypes() { Type[] ret = new Type[argTypes.length]; System.arraycopy(argTypes, 0, ret, 0, ret.length); return ret; } public boolean isConstructor() { return getName().equals(""); } public boolean isClassInitializer() { return getName().equals(""); } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (name.equals("")) sb.append("static "); else { if (name.equals("")) sb.append(Class.this.getShortName()); else sb.append(returnType.toString()).append(" ").append(name); sb.append("("); for(int i=0; i 0) { sb.append("throws"); for(java.util.Enumeration e = thrownExceptions.keys();e.hasMoreElements();) sb.append(" ").append(((Type.Class)e.nextElement()).toString()).append(","); sb.setLength(sb.length()-1); sb.append(" "); } if ((flags & (NATIVE|ABSTRACT))==0) { sb.append("{\n"); debugBodyToString(sb); sb.append(" }\n"); } else { sb.append(";"); } } } public int hashCode() { int h = returnType.hashCode() ^ name.hashCode() ^ getDeclaringClass().hashCode(); for(int i=0;i