package org.ibex.classgen; import*; /** Class representing a field in a generated classfile @see ClassFile#addField */ public class FieldGen extends Type.Class.Field.Body { StringBuffer toString(StringBuffer sb) { sb.append(ClassFile.flagsToString(flags, false)); sb.append(getField().getType().toString()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(getField().getName()); if (attrs.contains("ConstantValue")) sb.append(" = \"").append(attrs.get("ConstantValue")).append("\""); sb.append(";"); return sb; } FieldGen(Type.Class c, DataInput in, ConstantPool cp) throws IOException { this(in.readShort(), c.field(cp.getUtf8KeyByIndex(in.readShort()), Type.fromDescriptor(cp.getUtf8KeyByIndex(in.readShort()))), new ClassFile.AttrGen(in, cp)); } private FieldGen(int flags, Type.Class.Field field, ClassFile.AttrGen attrs) { this(field, flags, attrs); } FieldGen(Type.Class.Field field, int flags) { this(field, flags, new ClassFile.AttrGen()); } FieldGen(Type.Class.Field field, int flags, ClassFile.AttrGen attrs) { field.super(flags, attrs); } /** Sets the ContantValue attribute for this field. @param val The value to set this field to. Must be an Integer, Long, Float, Double, or String */ public void setConstantValue(Object val) { if (!isStatic()) throw new IllegalStateException("field does not have the STATIC bit set"); attrs.put("ConstantValue",val); } void finish(ConstantPool cp) { cp.addUtf8(getField().getName()); cp.addUtf8(getField().getType().getDescriptor()); attrs.finish(cp); } void dump(DataOutput o, ConstantPool cp) throws IOException { o.writeShort(getFlags()); o.writeShort(cp.getUtf8Index(getField().getName())); o.writeShort(cp.getUtf8Index(getField().getType().getDescriptor())); attrs.dump(o,cp); } }