package org.ibex.classgen; import java.util.*; import*; import org.ibex.classgen.util.*; class ConstantPool implements CGConst { private final Hashtable entries = new Hashtable(); private Ent[] entriesByIndex; // only valid when stable private int usedSlots = 1; // 0 is reserved private int state = OPEN; private static final int OPEN = 0; private static final int STABLE = 1; // existing entries won't change private static final int SEALED = 2; // no new entries ConstantPool() { } public abstract class Ent { int n; // this is the refcount if state == OPEN, index if >= STABLE int tag; Object key; Ent(int tag) { this.tag = tag; } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { o.writeByte(tag); } abstract Object _key(); final Object key() { return key == null ? (key = _key()) : key; } int slots() { return 1; } // number of slots this ent takes up void ref() { if(state != OPEN) throw new IllegalStateException("cp is not open"); n++; } void unref() { if(state != OPEN) throw new IllegalStateException("cp is not open"); if(--n == 0) entries.remove(key()); } } class Utf8Ent extends Ent { String s; Utf8Ent() { super(CONSTANT_UTF8); } Utf8Ent(String s) { this(); this.s = s; } public String toString() { return s; } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeUTF(s); } Object _key() { return new Utf8Key(s); } } class IntLitEnt extends Ent { final int i; IntLitEnt(int i) { super(CONSTANT_INTEGER); this.i = i; } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeInt(i); } Object _key() { return new Integer(i); } } class FloatLitEnt extends Ent { final float f; FloatLitEnt(float f) { super(CONSTANT_FLOAT); this.f = f; } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeFloat(f); } Object _key() { return new Float(f); } } class LongLitEnt extends Ent { final long l; LongLitEnt(long l) { super(CONSTANT_LONG); this.l = l; } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeLong(l); } Object _key() { return new Long(l); } int slots() { return 2; } } class DoubleLitEnt extends Ent { final double d; DoubleLitEnt(double d) { super(CONSTANT_DOUBLE); this.d = d; } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeDouble(d); } Object _key() { return new Double(d); } int slots() { return 2; } } class StringLitEnt extends Ent { Utf8Ent utf8; StringLitEnt() { super(CONSTANT_STRING); } StringLitEnt(String s) { this(); this.utf8 = (Utf8Ent)addUtf8(s); } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeShort(utf8.n); } Object _key() { return utf8.s; } void unref() { utf8.unref(); super.unref(); } } class ClassEnt extends Ent { Utf8Ent utf8; ClassEnt() { super(CONSTANT_CLASS); } ClassEnt(String s) { this(); this.utf8 = (Utf8Ent) addUtf8(s); } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeShort(utf8.n); } Type.Class getTypeClass() { return (Type.Class) key(); } Object _key() { return Type.fromDescriptor(utf8.s.startsWith("[") ? utf8.s : "L" + utf8.s + ";"); } void unref() { utf8.unref(); super.unref(); } public String toString() { return "[Class: " + utf8.s + "]"; } } class NameAndTypeEnt extends Ent { Utf8Ent name; Utf8Ent type; NameAndTypeEnt() { super(CONSTANT_NAMEANDTYPE); } NameAndTypeEnt(String name, String type) { this(); = (Utf8Ent) addUtf8(name); this.type = (Utf8Ent) addUtf8(type); } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeShort(name.n); o.writeShort(type.n); } Object _key() { return new NameAndTypeKey(name.s, type.s); } void unref() { name.unref(); type.unref(); super.unref(); } } class MemberEnt extends Ent { ClassEnt klass; NameAndTypeEnt member; MemberEnt(int tag) { super(tag); } MemberEnt(int tag, Type.Class klass, String name, String type) { this(tag); this.klass = (ClassEnt) add(klass); this.member = addNameAndType(name,type); } void dump(DataOutput o) throws IOException { super.dump(o); o.writeShort(klass.n); o.writeShort(member.n); } Object _key() { if( == null) throw new Error("should never happen"); switch(tag) { case CONSTANT_FIELDREF: return klass.getTypeClass().field(, member.type.s); case CONSTANT_METHODREF: case CONSTANT_INTERFACEMETHODREF: Type.Class.Method m = klass.getTypeClass().method(,member.type.s); return tag == CONSTANT_INTERFACEMETHODREF ? (Object) new InterfaceMethodKey(m) : (Object) m; default: throw new Error("should never happen"); } } void unref() { klass.unref(); member.unref(); super.unref(); } } /* * Cache Keys */ static class Utf8Key { String s; public Utf8Key(String s) { this.s = s; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof Utf8Key && ((Utf8Key)o).s.equals(s); } public int hashCode() { return ~s.hashCode(); } } static class NameAndTypeKey { String name; String type; NameAndTypeKey(String name, String type) { = name; this.type = type; } public boolean equals(Object o_) { if (!(o_ instanceof NameAndTypeKey)) return false; NameAndTypeKey o = (NameAndTypeKey) o_; return && o.type.equals(type); } public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode() ^ type.hashCode(); } } static class InterfaceMethodKey { Type.Class.Method method; InterfaceMethodKey(Type.Class.Method method) { this.method = method; } public int hashCode() { return ~method.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof InterfaceMethodKey && ((InterfaceMethodKey)o).method.equals(method); } } /* * Methods */ Ent get(Object o) { return (Ent) entries.get(o); } Utf8Ent getUtf8(String s) { return (Utf8Ent) get(new Utf8Key(s)); } int getIndex(Object o) { Ent e = get(o); if (e == null) throw new IllegalStateException("entry not found"); return getIndex(e); } int getUtf8Index(String s) { Ent e = getUtf8(s); if (e == null) throw new IllegalStateException("entry not found"); return getIndex(e); } int getIndex(Ent ent) { if (state < STABLE) throw new IllegalStateException("constant pool is not stable"); return ent.n; } Ent getByIndex(int index) { if (state < STABLE) throw new IllegalStateException("constant pool is not stable"); Ent e; if (index >= 65536 || index >= entriesByIndex.length || (e = entriesByIndex[index]) == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid cp index: " + index + "/" + entriesByIndex.length); return e; } String getUtf8KeyByIndex(int index) { Ent e = getByIndex(index); if(!(e instanceof Utf8Ent)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("that isn't a utf8 (" + e.toString() + ")"); return ((Utf8Ent)e).s; } Object getKeyByIndex(int index) { Ent e = getByIndex(index); return e == null ? null : e.key(); } NameAndTypeEnt addNameAndType(String name, String descriptor) { return (NameAndTypeEnt) add(new NameAndTypeKey(name, descriptor)); } Utf8Ent addUtf8(String s) { return (Utf8Ent) add(new Utf8Key(s)); } Ent add(Object o) { boolean isInterfaceMethod; if (state == SEALED) throw new IllegalStateException("constant pool is sealed"); Ent ent = get(o); if (ent != null) { if (state == OPEN) ent.n++; return ent; } if (o instanceof Type.Ref) { ent = new ClassEnt(((Type.Ref)o).internalForm()); } else if (o instanceof String) { ent = new StringLitEnt((String)o); } else if (o instanceof Integer) { ent = new IntLitEnt(((Integer)o).intValue()); } else if (o instanceof Float) { ent = new FloatLitEnt(((Float)o).floatValue()); } else if (o instanceof Long) { ent = new LongLitEnt(((Long)o).longValue()); } else if (o instanceof Double) { ent = new DoubleLitEnt(((Double)o).doubleValue()); } else if (o instanceof Utf8Key) { ent = new Utf8Ent(((Utf8Key)o).s); } else if (o instanceof NameAndTypeKey) { NameAndTypeKey key = (NameAndTypeKey) o; ent = new NameAndTypeEnt(,key.type); } else if ((isInterfaceMethod = o instanceof InterfaceMethodKey) || o instanceof Type.Class.Member) { Type.Class.Member m = isInterfaceMethod ? ((InterfaceMethodKey)o).method : (Type.Class.Member) o; int tag = isInterfaceMethod ? CONSTANT_INTERFACEMETHODREF : m instanceof Type.Class.Field ? CONSTANT_FIELDREF : m instanceof Type.Class.Method ? CONSTANT_METHODREF : 0; if (tag == 0) throw new Error("should never happen"); ent = new MemberEnt(tag, m.getDeclaringClass(),, m.getTypeDescriptor()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type " + o + " passed to add"); } int spaces = ent.slots(); if (usedSlots + spaces > 65536) throw new ClassFile.Exn("constant pool full"); ent.n = state == OPEN ? 1 : usedSlots; // refcount or index usedSlots += spaces; entries.put(o, ent); return ent; } int slots() { return usedSlots; } void seal() { state = SEALED; } private Ent[] asArray() { int count = entries.size(); Ent[] ents = new Ent[count]; int i=0; Enumeration e = entries.keys(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) ents[i++] = (Ent) entries.get(e.nextElement()); if (i != count) throw new Error("should never happen"); return ents; } private void assignIndex(Ent[] ents) { int index = 1; entriesByIndex = new Ent[ents.length*2]; for(int i=0;i= usedSlots) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("invalid cp index"); Ent e1 = entriesByIndex[e1s[i]]; if(e1 == null) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("invalid cp index"); if(isClass) { if(!(e1 instanceof Utf8Ent)) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("expected a uft8ent"); ((ClassEnt)e).utf8 = (Utf8Ent) e1; } else if(isString) { if(!(e1 instanceof Utf8Ent)) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("expected a uft8ent"); ((StringLitEnt)e).utf8 = (Utf8Ent) e1; } else if(isMem || isNameAndType) { if (e2s[i] == 0 || e2s[i] >= usedSlots) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("invalid cp index"); Ent e2 = entriesByIndex[e2s[i]]; if(isMem) { if(!(e1 instanceof ClassEnt)) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("expected a classent"); if(!(e2 instanceof NameAndTypeEnt)) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("expected a nameandtypeent, not " + e2); MemberEnt me = (MemberEnt) e; me.klass = (ClassEnt) e1; me.member = (NameAndTypeEnt) e2; } else if(isNameAndType) { if(!(e1 instanceof Utf8Ent)) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("expected a uft8ent"); if(!(e2 instanceof Utf8Ent)) throw new ClassFile.ClassReadExn("expected a uft8ent"); NameAndTypeEnt nte = (NameAndTypeEnt) e; = (Utf8Ent) e1; nte.type = (Utf8Ent) e2; } } } i += e.slots(); } for(int i=1; i